Letter: Column alienates and isolates homosexuals
Op-Ed · February 02, 2012

In the past I have found your editorials to be distasteful on occasion, particularly when they come to social issues.
Your piece this week is downright offensive and destructive. You wrap your minimization of homosexuality in praise for Coach Pederson — a real stretch if you ask me.

I ask you: What harm does it do you if two people choose to love each other?

I can tell you what harm it does when you write these opinions about “choices” in your columns in this newspaper. It helps to create an atmosphere wherein a whole class of people are made to feel alienated, isolated, marginalized, and offended within our community. That is certainly not the type of community that I wish myself or my family to be a part of.

As for the issue of “desire” being a defining part of a person, I’d like to tell you about my wife. I love her. My desire for her love and her partnership in raising our daughter is one of the most important pieces of who I am as a man and as a human being. Yes, there are other “options” I could choose, as your article suggests, but who are you or Rick Santorum to try to prioritize those for me?

I would hope that you would consider the power that you hold via your position as editor of the local paper of record before you write more articles that are an affront to the decency of the people of this community.

Dan Stevenson, West Branch