Letter: Richardson’s got all the right qualifications
Op-Ed · December 19, 2007

Bill Richardson’s clever “job interview” ads say it all. If presidential campaigns were based on experience rather than money and media exposure, Richardson’s impressive resume would make him the obvious choice for president. He’s building momentum and has risen as high as 13 percent in the polls. Not bad for someone without the celebrity status as the frontrunners. While other candidates are appealing, Democrats would be wise to notice Richardson may be the most electable. He’s not a superstar who gives spine-tingling and tear-jerking speeches, but he is articulate, intelligent and presidential, with a down-to-earth style that is reminiscent of Bill Clinton. In November, electoral votes will be the key. Can the other candidates pick up more states than Kerry in 2004? Richardson attracts votes from progressive and moderate Democrats. Independents like him too, He won re-election for governor of New Mexico with 69 percent and even pulled in 40 percent of the Republican vote. He can win in the West and other swing states. His Hispanic roots would give him an advantage in Florida. He’s the only governor in the Democratic field and it should be noted that four out of the last five presidents have been governors. As Iowans make up their minds these final days before the Caucus, I hope we aren’t lured by the media and polls to believe we should only choose among Clinton, Obama and Edwards. Let’s show our love for “the Guv” and put Bill Richardson in the top tier where he belongs!

Helen Lindhorst

West Branch