Letter: Watching your vote on issue of climate change
Op-Ed · September 01, 2016

Fires, Floods, Storms, Oh My!

Does it seem like the national news, other than the presidential election contest, has been dominated by thousand-year disasters? How many hundred- and thousand-year events does it take before it becomes the new normal?

In spite of what is happening before our very eyes and what is occurring worldwide with melting glaciers, rising sea levels, rapidly rising record global temperatures, spreading droughts and severe storms, the Republican party of Trump is still calling for burning more coal, drilling for more oil, building more pipelines.

In effect, burning more fossil fuels is irresponsible at a time when 97 percent of all actively publishing climate scientists have concluded that that activity has resulted in a high level of CO2 in the atmosphere. I think this is causing dramatic and potentially devastating climate change.

What the Republicans are calling for is a short-sighted and selfish political and personal enrichment policy which puts the future of our nation and our children at risk. Republicans don’t believe in science because, as they like to say, they are not scientists, but as they like to claim, they believe in God, though they are not all ministers. So why do they want to continue destroying the world that their God created, all for personal gain?

It’s not like we haven’t been warned or couldn’t see this coming. It’s not like there are no alternative clean energy solutions. We could, with the right political leadership, transform our energy production from fossil fuels to renewables like wind and solar. This would reduce our rising CO2 levels and create millions of good paying 21st century jobs right here in America, many in Iowa.

Democratic candidates, including Hillary Clinton, have made this a priority in their campaigns. We can help save our children’s future by supporting Democrats who will fight to: protect our environment, promote strong public schools, provide equality for all and build a stronger economy that works for everyone.

Or, if you prefer the single issue, “dog whistle” politics of anger, hatred, name calling and discrimination of the Republican Party of Trump, vote for Trump and send more obstructionist Republicans to Congress. Our children are watching!

Larry Hodgden
