Letter: Edwards’ health care plan cares about women
Op-Ed · October 24, 2007

John Edwards is a candidate who is concerned about every American man, woman and child. As such, he doesn’t just throw around fancy slogans and offer lofty rhetoric about the issues that affect American women every day. Instead, he offers solid plans and solutions to promote equality for women and help working mothers.

The working mother John Edwards wants to help is worried about a lot of things. She is concerned with where her son or daughter is going to get medical care the next time he or she gets sick. Then, she is concerned with how she is gong to pay for that care. The majority of uninsured Americans, as well as those working minimum-wage jobs, are women.

John Edwards has a health care plan that will cover everyone in America and make health care cheaper for people who already have it.

John Edwards is going to make sure no mother ever has to worry about paying for her child’s medicine or paying for her child’s dinner.

A lot of candidates talk about change and hope, but John Edwards is the only candidate in a position to truly create the bold changes we desperately need. Join me in supporting John on caucus night so that, for a change, we’ll have a president who supports working mothers.

Beth Stoos

West Branch