Minds and Matter: Some thoughts on moving ahead with facility improvements: Part I
by Kevin Hatfield, School Superintendent · Op-Ed · May 18, 2017

The following information was highlighted at the meeting or at recent Board meetings.

Reduction in Total School Tax Rate: First, it should be noted that due to strong fiscal management, planning, stable property valuations and stable enrollment, the West Branch Board of Education approved 19-cent reduction in the school tax rate (from $14.13 per assessed $1,000 in valuation to $13.94) for the 2017 – 2018 school year. This is the lowest in nearly six years.

February Ballot Results: 56 percent Yes Vote – The Board is tentatively planning to place an updated facilities bond ballot before the residents of the WBCSD on September 12, 2017

From the May 10 board planning meeting:

Bond: The Board of Education has formalized its commitment for the placement of a school bond referendum before the residents living in the West Branch Community School District on Tuesday, September 12, 2017.

Multiuse Building: The ACE Multiuse building is scheduled for completion in the fall of 2017. Use of the building will follow the district’s updated Facilities Use Policy.

Emergency Fire Lane: The topic discussed at length. A concerned citizen presented his opinions regarding the work. The Board and superintendent listened. The superintendent recommended that the district receive a third-party review of the process. The independent standards group indicates that work meets all standards. The experts on this job have poured concrete for highways, streets and even airport landing strips. It is going to add an outstanding safety feature for our high school and is tied to the larger vision for improvements. The additional fire hydrants and sewer lines are in place.

Why is this work so important? Chairs from the Facilities Advisory Committee (SIAC) presented to the Board of Education the following themes and goals in spring, 2015. The reasons remain absolutely viable today.

• Safety: This is not just buzz-in doors (albeit critical), but parking lot improvements, fire and emergency upgrades, school office locations, etc…

• Modern teaching and learning spaces and environments (21st Century Learning Needs) that support personalized, high-end technology involvement and hands-on learning with improved access to PK-14 developing school systems.

• Fine Arts Improvements – triples music instruction space, community-based auditorium. The seat capacity targeted at 700 upon multiple reviews of data by the board. We routinely seat 450-600 for events and use the gym for all concerts over the past years. It will support graduation and support scheduling needs.

• Flexible Space Concepts for classrooms / meeting rooms / innovation spaces

• ADA improvement and special education program support

• Cost and Programming Efficiencies (MS Question) – Examples: 125 students at HS every day, The MS building does not meet the current educational needs of our students or future students’ learning and programming needs. Middle School Note: Only 3 of 14 classrooms are being used for student instruction during the first period or two of each day. In an era when communities demand efficiency, it is certainly one the best places to address. No formal inquiries for the potential purchase of the antiquated MS building have been made to the District since plans regarding its potential demolition were shared nearly five years ago.

• Align to City growth and planning: The impact on HS entry lane as related to the Dawson Drive to Orange Street connection, will have an impact on fields, event parking, and safety.

• 15-Year Master Facilities Plan as a Guide: The District has maintained fidelity to a stakeholder-developed, long-term facilities improvement vision (articulated, non-patch quilt improvements) The district is utilizing the Physical Plant and Education Levy (PPEL) and Secure and Advance Vision Fund (SAVE - 1 cent sales tax) to complete as much of this work as possible. The district has completed highly successful expansions of east and west parking lots at W.B.H.S., restroom remodels at Hoover Elementary School, locker room remodel Hoover Elementary gym and general classroom and building improvements.

• Neighboring School District’s Reinvestment in their Schools: It has been reported that Regina has initiated multi-million dollar facilities improvements. The Iowa City Community School District reports $250,000,000 facilities improvement beginning with the North Liberty High School project about done. Iowa City will also open a new elementary schools this fall and one will be located on the east side, close to the WBCSD’s school boundary. The West Liberty Community School District has shared that large facilities improvement plans are about to be unveiled.

The Tipton Community School District completed a $5,500,000 bond and reports multi-million dollar facilities improvements on the horizon.

The Clear Creek Amana Community School District is involved in multi-million dollar re-investments. Finally, we know charter and private school facilities will be built or expanded in the next five to 10 years in an attempt to draw students from our great public schools.

Thank you!

Kevin Hatfield is the superintendent of West Branch Community Schools. You may reach him at 319-643-7213 or