Editorial: Grads: Before you go, read this
Op-Ed · May 18, 2017

Get a good higher education. Work hard. Treat others the way you want to be treated.

Advice will be plentiful next weekend as West Branch and Scattergood Friends School seniors graduate.

We know grads are wrapped up in celebrating and making plans for their futures. They may say, “To heck with listening to advice.”

Here it is anyway – from a variety of voices.

• From your teachers – Your education isn’t over, no matter what path you choose in life. Be a lifelong learner. Pick up a book and read it. Learn a new skill by taking a class or asking someone to teach you something. Use the critical thinking skills we taught you. And thank you for all your hard work – and the fun times we had – during your school years here.

• From the faith community leader – Be a servant to others. Help your neighbors, your coworkers, your friends, your family. Volunteer so that the poor are fed and clothed and sheltered. Feed your soul with meaningful activities, not possessions.

• From the local business owner – Take risks in your occupation. Plan and be calculated, but take a risk to start a new project, develop a new product or service, meet a need in the marketplace. Use your gifts and skills to discover a vocation, more than a job. Take ownership of your work, whether you’re the owner or not.

• From the coach – Show up early and stay late. Do extra work outside of work. Set goals and come up with a detailed plan to meet the goals. Sacrifice. Always put the team first.

• From the physician – Take care of your body. Eat healthy. Exercise. Get a good night’s sleep. Steer clear of vices.

• From the financial planner – Put together a budget and follow it. Learn the beauty of compound interest. Let it work for you by saving early and often, even if it’s just a few bucks a week.

• From Mom and Dad – Be happy. Be kind. Be respectful. Help others. Pick up after yourself. Tell us how you’re doing. Stay in touch with your siblings. We love you more than you will ever know. Oh, and learn to do laundry.

• From the West Branch Times newspaper staff – Thank you for your stories. Your plays and musicals. Your arts and athletics accolades. Your volunteering. Your academic honors. You make us proud. You’ll do great in whatever your future brings.