Letter: Trumpcare: You’re on your own, sucker!
Op-Ed · March 17, 2017

New and improved TRUMPED-UP CARE: Intentionally being ignored in consideration of the mounting cost of our nation’s health care is the huge rake-and-take of resources by a private health insurance scam that pockets 30 percent from the cost of the delivery of actual care.

And beyond just looting, it also impedes and messes up the timely and well-directed treatment of patients through a bloated private insurance bureaucracy that along with supporting financial, legal and lobbying manipulators, and facilities management entities consists of one individual in their ranks for every four members of the medical community that works in serving the needs of patients.

Further within this bloat is the equivalent of one person in the medical community that is trying to deal with the manipulating health insurance empire for every 15 others left to actually deliver health care.

This huge shakedown constitutes a wasteful scandal and long ago our nation should have moved on to universal health care under the Social Security Administration and thus entrusted the health-care community of doctors, nurses and support staff to directly manage the treatment of their patients.

Why health-care within Social Security? Because compared to the 30 percent administrative cost run-up by the private health insurance scam, the entire Social Security System operates on an administrative cost of less than 1 percent.

And when you hear some politicians dismiss Social Security as being unsound they cover-up the fact that its trust fund is owed $2.8 trillion that is commingled with general tax revenues to pad a national debt that has grown from a failure to pay the nation’s bills, provide for the general welfare of all of our people, and adequately invest in infrastructure for the growth of a better future.

Instead, resources are run off into the greedy hands of the hoarders of the nation’s and world’s wealth. This they glom onto via tax breaks, bailouts and scams such as that played by the private health insurance industry.

As for the supposed right to choose that Republicans pretend that their insurance makeover will allow, it is a no choice in which the citizens of America that rub shoulders toiling and tending to detail to keep the nation going will be denied the choice to join together to provide for the good health of all. You’re on your own sucker!

Meanwhile, the hoarders of wealth, like Trump, can choose to pay no taxes as they rake and take from our nation that is kept going by the tilling and toil of all others. Next time you hear Republicans going on and on about physical responsibility and lower taxes you’ll know they are just kidding and the joke’s on us suckers. Oh, and they’ll be telling you that there is no free lunch as they eat yours.

Sam Osborne

West Branch