Volunteer award for Richards
News · May 05, 2016

The Herbert Hoover Presidential Library-Museum announced Monday that Rachel Richards, a resident of Springville, Iowa, will be awarded the Weidman Outstanding Volunteer Service Award by the Archivist of the United States on Thursday.

This prestigious award is given out once a year by the National Archives and Records Administration at the Archivist Awards in Washington, DC. Rachel will receive her award at the Library-Museum.

Richards digitized the “McMullin Book,” which is a catalog of all artifacts in the White House.

“Its creation was an enormous accomplishment by First Lady Lou Henry Hoover and Dare Stark McMullin,” according to the Library-Museum. “The White House did not have a complete copy of either books or any of the provenance files used by McMullin to write the catalog.”

Because of Rachel’s dedication to the book, Elizabeth Dinschel, Education Specialist at the Herbert Hoover Presidential Library-Museum and Jim Gardner, Executive for Legislative Archives, Presidential Libraries, and Museum Services for the National Archives, were able to deliver the book to the White House in May 2015.

Rachel has also digitized the most comprehensive photographic record of the construction of the Hoover Dam, read a press release. The three photograph albums, created by Six Companies, Inc. and presented to Herbert Hoover, “contain invaluable information for understanding one of the world’s greatest engineering accomplishments,” according to the press release.

The books are viewed every STEM Thursday at the Herbert Hoover Presidential Library-Museum by hundreds of students.