Letter: Constitutional rights lost to gay agenda
Op-Ed · September 24, 2015

Who will be the next Kim Davis?

With the opinions shown in this week’s West Branch Times and a national debate on the topic one can only wonder who will be next.

The same situation but with different circumstances will come up again and again unless something meaningful and fair is established to protect all parties involved.

That may be difficult to achieve when so many seem willing to throw religion out the window in favor of appeasing and placating so few.

We already had the poor bakers who were told they had to bake their cakes for whomever shows up at their bakery.

So just how many other scenarios are there and who will win and who will lose? Can facility owners refuse the use of their building for gay activities such as a wedding or pride meeting? How about the same thing for a rental agency? Could they say, “No car for you?” These types of happenings mostly have a common theme and will no doubt have the same results in court.

So how about the priest or minister who refuses to marry gays? There is no product or physical entity being offered such as a cake or a place of public service like stated above. This would be a matter of a religious ceremony. Will our elected or law enforcement officials insist the wedding must be done? How many of our constitutional rights may be destroyed by the gay agenda?

When will a letter like this one not be allowed to be published due to its underlying anti-gay overtones? Could my letter be construed as a hate crime?

Fair and reasonable solutions need to be found but first there needs to be changes in a judicial system that gives judges so much power that they can imprison anybody for as long as they want without ever charging them with a crime or giving them due process of law. Contempt of court must have limited parameters in a country based on innocence until proven guilty.

The sad reality is all of this did not have to happen. Kim Davis should have done her job. But then the gays could also have just gone somewhere else and life would be so much easier and less expensive for the taxpayers.

Rod Hanson,

West Branch