Letter: Another large sucking sound with U.S. jobs
Op-Ed · May 14, 2015

Mr. President Obama, about a trade deal that is to open markets for American produced goods:

It would be a good idea if your trade deal opened a market for American-produced goods in America. The problem being that we no longer produce what we buy, and what there is left for us to produce and sell over there only increases the capacity for them to produce more of what we buy but do not make.

Back in 1992, Independent presidential candidate Ross Perot said of the North American Free Trade Agreement deal that was post-election signed into place by a newly elected Democrat President Bill Clinton and largely fashioned by outgoing Republican President George H.W. Bush that in terms of Americans working in production jobs there would be a large SUCKING SOUND as production and those jobs went elsewhere, and there was. And now Mr. President, your trade deal sucks.

I am all for world trade that accommodates what we produce. Such production comes from the good work of our farmers who still tend the world’s bread basket. Displayed on the side of my beloved Hawkeye football team’s helmets are the letter “ANF,’ and America Needs Farmers.

But, it also needs to assure that Americans in towns and cities can also be outstanding in their field and that they too have the capacity to well earn their way.

Mr. President, your trade deal does not do this. In place of serving the interests of working Americans it constitutes more world-conglomerate welfare of the same-O political-economics that for the past 25 years has eaten away the American dream to the benefit of hoarders of the nation’s and world wealth’s that have no allegiance to the people of any land.

My rejection of your trade deal and others things that have come out of same-O politics was well expressed by a man named Lucas Tomolonis of Vermont that I know nothing about other than he has well stated the point of disgust and decision at which many liberal Democrats, and progressive Independents and RINOed Republicans have arrived. As Lucas states below (with my parenthetical replacement to better fit our family newspaper):

“Choosing the lesser of two evils is still choosing evil. I am done voting for only a slightly different shade of (bovine dropping) brown from another. This man has the unwavering passion, tenacity, and integrity this country needs to instill real change, not just a smoking mirror of change.

“I would run into a burning building to vote for Bernie Sanders for president, and I think that a great many others share this feeling.”

Sam Osborne,

West Branch