Editorial: Keep thanking veterans
Op-Ed · November 13, 2014

We cannot repay our veterans at the level of sacrifice they gave to us. Not even close.

That is why is it constantly necessary for us to find ways to thank them.

No doubt many attended Veterans Day events on Tuesday. Many school teachers took time out of the day to talk about the millions of men and women in the military who have served, and even died, protecting our freedom over the decades. Countless churches took a moment out of Sunday worship services to ask veterans in the sanctuary to stand and be recognized. Numerous government offices closed in deference to their sacrifice.

Veterans live the example of Evelyn Beatrice Hall’s quote in the book, “The Friends of Voltaire,” where she states that “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.” Whether or not our veterans actually agree or disagree with the outcome, voters last week were able to significantly change the balance of power in Washington, D.C. because veterans protected our right to cast a ballot.

It is interesting that most of those who enter the armed forces — Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, National Guard and Coast Guard — do so at an age where they are barely old enough to vote and not old enough to hold federal office, so they had little say in the events leading up to whatever conflict in which they are asked to fight.

That makes it all the more necessary for us to support them while they lay their lives on the line, and to support their families stateside who must make their own sacrifices. And that support should continue whether those soldiers or sailors or pilots may or may not return when the conflict ends.

And our thankfulness must not be limited to what gets funneled through the American government in the way of tax breaks, Veterans Administration benefits, etc. We each must sacrifice a bit of our time and other resources to let these men and women, often our neighbors, friends and family members, know they are greatly appreciated.

Thank you to all the men and women who have served in the U.S. armed forces, offering their lives for our freedoms.