Majority tried pot, want it legalized in Iowa
Op-Ed · March 28, 2014

The West Branch Times posted for two weeks on Facebook, Twitter and its Web site ( an unscientific survey asking people if Iowa should legalize marijuana.

Of 84 people who took the survey, some 72.6 percent of them reported that they had, at least once, tried marijuana, while 27.4 percent said they had not.

An even higher percentage, 83.3 percent, think Iowa should legalize marijuana for recreational and medical use, while 16.7 percent opposed such a measure.

And 88.1 percent said they would like to see the state approve marijuana for medical uses, while 4.8 percent opposed and 7.1 percent said they would agree “only if science can show no other reasonably priced medicine can have the same benefits.”

Other results of the survey, and some comments left by participants:

What concerns do you have about legalizing marijuana in Iowa?

• We want to ban the Big Gulp and cigarettes, but legalize marijuana? That makes no sense. 15.5% (13 votes)

• Colorado saw a surge in motorists driving while high on marijuana. It is likely to happen here as well. 16.7% (14)

• Police officers would face increased dangers. 8.3% (7)

• Employers could face an increase in workplace problems. 17.9% (15)

• It’s addictive and could lead to harder drugs. 15.5% (13)

• There are enough problems in this nation, let’s not add another. 13.1% (11)

• It would increase exposure to children and increase the chances they would start using. 19.1% (16)

• “Marijuana has never contributed to a single death” is very difficult to believe. 9.5% (8)

• Will it increase my health insurance premiums? 14.3% (12)

• None. 69.1% (58)


“It absolutely cannot be any more dangerous than alcohol.”

“Our society is already headed in the wrong direction with a president that thinks that the government is the solution to every problem. Further government involvement in the economy is unnecessary. I also find it ironic that some of the same crowd who wants to ban and heavily tax tobacco, and who has been insistent that smoking kills, is in favor of legalizing marijuana.”

“We need to educate our fellow Iowans and American people better, starting with our locally elected leaders, on how to manage the transition of cannabis from the illicit market to the mainstream.”

“There would not be enough supply to meet demand.”

“If regulated well, none of these problems would be a very big factor.”

“Lots if people smoke it now, and sometimes you never know so just legalize it already!”

“I know there would be issues like there are with cigarettes and alcohol but the positives way outweigh these manageable issues.”

What encourages you about the possibility of legalizing marijuana?

• Many will receive the medical benefits. 72.6% (61)

• Law enforcement can concentrate its efforts on harder drugs. 59.5% (50)

• It would be good for the economy, especially the agriculture industry. 63.1% (53)

• It would decrease overpopulation in prisons. 61.9% (52)

• A relaxing drug would do wonders for a whole lot of people. 47.6% (40)

• It would increase personal freedom. 45.2% (38)

• Like cigarettes and alcohol, selling it through regulated businesses would decrease the chances of children buying it. 53.6% (45)

• Alcohol and cigarettes are more dangerous, and they are legal. It makes sense to legalize marijuana. 53.5% (45)

• By regulating it and setting quality standards, we can improve its consistency. 52.4% (44)

• Nothing 10.7% (9)


“Legal age should be 55.”

“Incarceration for marijuana offenses disproportionately affects minorities, disrupting families and contributing to generational poverty.”

“I know a guy who was hospitalized from laced weed. Legalized eliminates this risk.”

“Could help people with cancer and chronic regional pain syndrome!”

“Our state has many other more deserving priorities than legalizing marijuana.”

“The best time to plant a field of cannabis is last spring...the next best time is this spring. Of course, with proper controls, we can grow organic cannabis indoors in any season.”

“Very nice list here, but you forgot how criminal gangs and drug dealers will lose money.”

“Tax money - 1/2 to mental health, 1/2 to schools.”

“The medical benefit is my main priority: it has huge benefits to many, not a select few as (Gov. Terry) Branstad mentioned. Other medicines we put into our body are worse that what is extracted and given. Plus our state could really use some revenue outside of our property taxes, income tax and sales tax. Any revenue generated from this will help lower the others.”

Comments on the question “Would you approve medical marijuana?”:

“I think approving medical marijuana is a stepping stone to legalization, so I would not approve it. If we start sending the message that our society promotes this type of drug use, we are on a slippery slope toward approving carve-outs for other drugs.”

“There is no legal basis for prohibiting access to a plant that the Iowa Pharmacy Board deemed medicine.”

“It seems that there are legitimate treatments by using the substance in some medical conditions, and they should be researched and allowed if found to be effective.”

“DEFINITELY!!! We lose taxpayers to other states with lower taxes and we lose families that have to go somewhere else for the treatment they need.”

Comments on the question “Should Iowa legalize marijuana?”:

“I personally would not partake. But it will curb black market activity and stimulate the economy.”

“Our Liberties We Prize And Our Rights We Will Maintain, thank you.”

“Prohibition only helps those who like doing wrong. Thank you!”

“I believe medical marijuana is a legitimate use if a physician prescribes use for a medical condition.”